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Snow Day!
Charlie and I had a snow day on Friday when St. Louis finally got some snow to be proud of. It worked out very nicely as this weekend Grammy and Baba came down to help us celebrate Jakes birthday. We had a great time in the snow.
There were walks...
rides.... (she looks like she is having fun right.... she's not, she hated it)
and cocoas.... without a doubt the best part about playing outside in the snow. Coming in and drinking some warm cocoa. She could not even believe that I had been keeping something so amazing from her until now. Someday I will break out the mini marsh mallows and blow her world away... all in good time.
It looks like you guys had a pretty good time in the snow!!! One of these days when you give her marshmallows it will all come together for her. Hope to see you guys soon!!!
Hope to see you guys soon!!!