Claire turned 3 meaning: the jig is up! No more waking in the middle of the morning to stumble down the stairs for warm Aunt Abby pancakes... no more hanging out watching Max and Ruby in her PJ's til noon ... no more because you are heading to school. We drop both girls off in the morning at school together. Matching coats in case they get separated, obviously. But the preschool brings her home on a preschool bus. It seems crazy that she is 3 and riding a bus, however it is only other 3 year olds on the bus and she can throw a mean elbow. So she got off the bus and like any mom I immediately bombarded her with questions: Did you meet a friend? Was your teacher nice? Did you play games? Do you know the capitol of Illinois yet? However the only thing I got out of her was, "I need cheese." Don't we all Claire, don't we all. Beautiful Bear!