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Regression Analysis

My last post was mid-January and this post is mid May... so what the heck, right? Well life didn't stop or even slow down. There were "post-able" moments. Pink 5th birthdays, first Papi fishing trips, "glamorous" Oscar parties, Easter baskets filled with peeps, and a GIANT new puppy... but something else happened: I took Regression Analysis. And frankly something had to give, so that I could be present for as many of those moments as possible. This meant my TV line-up has seriously suffered (and I mean seriously... Bethany who?) that... I will somehow recover from, but so has this blog. Part of me feels a little guilty, cause really I do write this for future Charlotte and Claire, but believe me there is enough mom guilt in my life- I refuse to fall victim to blog guilt. BUT about 15 minutes ago I just turned in my final project done.finished.completed. And now not only do I know what this means:

E(ŷ)= β01A+β2D+ β3W+β4AD+β5AW+β6WD+β7WDA+ɛ

I can write a 15 page paper on it as well. So for now I am back amongst the virtual, and I will do my best to make up what I can. well at least before the 16th of May when I start the Lit Review for my dissertation...


amy said…
you never cease to amaze me!!!!