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Changing Petals

At this point in her life Charlotte wants to be a Ballerina Botanist.  When she was 3 in preschool she used to get into trouble all the time for picking the flowers on the playground (they actually used to call her Flower).  Anyway, I regress, the love of flowers has continued and when I asked her what she wanted to do for the science fair it seemed obvious to her that it would be something to do with flowers.   As my knowledge of science projects and flowers are pretty limited, it seemed obvious to me that we would have to start with the white carnations.  

She researched, she observed, she charted
She learned how to create a display, learning about words like hypothesis and control sample.  I attempted to make the same connections for her with my dissertation... she mentioned that my dissertation may "need a little work" as it didn't have anything cool like changing the color of a flower.  This is true, sigh.

She learned that she had to go through the judging process and defend her ideas, work, and findings.
Jake and I learned that Science Fairs are impossibly long and almost as interesting as my dissertation.
