Charlie's new preschool is apart of the local school district. So we participated this year in the Webster Groves Family Fun Fair. It was quite "fun" and kind of a last get your summer done type of event.
Free snow cones... which we picked to match our dress, of course.
They had a helicopter, a firetruck and the same policeman that has given mommy several speeding tickets. Including a ticket once when I was specifically driving to go and pay off another ticket. Jacob thought this picture was hilarious.
We painted...
and petted a baby lamb.
Then BAMM... Fall hit us square in the face. This is a Greenville football game playing Wash U. We don't get to make it to many Greenville games so whenever there is one in St. Louis we always try and make it.
And that is it, fall is here... which means tis the season for a little someone to be coming very shortly!
Our pilgrimage through Spain and our adventures in the Dominican Republic.