Charlotte and Eliot joined a gymnastics class at the YMCA for the fall. Tonight was the first night and they loved it. I loved the purple leotard and leg warmers that she got to wear (yes, I am ridiculous).
After stretching she got to use the balance beam, which after years of practice walking on the ledge coming out of daycare this was a breeze for us.
And yes she does have the word "tumble" written on her butt. I couldn't help myself and take full responsibility.
Then we hit the bar.

Eliot was a maniac on the bar. Here he is getting focused for his routine.
And my camera skills aren't fast enough to catch him flip over the bar into a dismount...
drat missed it again.
Spotting Charlotte as she flips over the bar into her dismount.
Can't wait till next week when we hit the rings.
Our pilgrimage through Spain and our adventures in the Dominican Republic.