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Chucky Cheese

Jacob's parents came down to see us 2 weekends ago. It was their birthday so we decided to celebrate at Chucky Cheese. Charlie loved it. When I say loved it, I mean she could not get enough. I don't know if she had seen commercials, heard friends talk about it, or if just the chessy magic was in the air... she was a giddy excited mess.

Lovin' the pizza and the grandparents

This was one of her favorite rides.

Jacob is extremely good at skee ball. I mean if there was a professional skee ball league, the Amundson's would be doing well. Charlie however hit the basketball game to the left of the track... maybe someday.

riding on the merry go round

She thought Chucky was a rock star. At one point a version of Chucky came down to meet the kids. Charlie and I went to go meet him, she ran up behind him and literally kissed his butt, then ran away as fast as she could, shaking with excitement. again... I have no idea.The prize she picked out for all of our tickets. Yep an $80 pirate eye patch... so fun.


amy said…
She is hilarious!!
LOVE the "priceless" pirate patch!!!